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Resolvers Composition

Resolvers Composition

Composition tool for GraphQL, with helpers to combine multiple resolvers into one, specify dependencies between fields, and more.

When developing a GraphQL server, it is common to perform some authorization logic on your resolvers, usually based on the context of a request. With Resolvers Composition you can easily accomplish that and still make the code decoupled - thus testable - by combining multiple single-logic resolvers into one.

The following is an example of a simple logged-in authorization logic:

Instead of doing this:

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    myQuery(root, args, context) {
      // Make sure that the user is authenticated
      if (!context.currentUser) {
        throw new Error('You are not authenticated!')
      // Make sure that the user has the correct roles
      if (!context.currentUser.roles || context.currentUser.roles.includes('EDITOR')) {
        throw new Error('You are not authorized!')
      // Business logic
      if (args.something === '1') {
        return true
      return false

You can do:

const { composeResolvers } = require('@graphql-tools/resolvers-composition')
const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    myQuery(root, args, context) {
      if (args.something === '1') {
        return true
      return false
const isAuthenticated = () => next => (root, args, context, info) => {
  if (!context.currentUser) {
    throw new Error('You are not authenticated!')
  return next(root, args, context, info)
const hasRole = (role: string) => next => (root, args, context, info) => {
  if (!context.currentUser.roles?.includes(role)) {
    throw new Error('You are not authorized!')
  return next(root, args, context, info)
const resolversComposition = {
  'Query.myQuery': [isAuthenticated(), hasRole('EDITOR')]
const composedResolvers = composeResolvers(resolvers, resolversComposition)

composeResolvers is a method in @graphql-tools/resolvers-composition package that accepts IResolvers object and mappings for composition functions that would be run before resolver itself.

Supported Path Matcher Format

The paths for resolvers support * wildcard for types and glob patterns for fields. For example:

  • *.* - all types and all fields
  • Query.* - all queries
  • Query.single - only a single query
  • Query.{first, second} - queries for first/second
  • Query.!first - all queries but first
  • Query.!{first, second} - all queries but first/second